About the Journal

The Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education (RTSRE) Proceedings series focusses on the publication of articles surrounding topics related to Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education (rtsre.org). We accept articles from all authors at any time, despite sharing the name of the conference, publication is not dependant on attendance at the conference. If your topic would be typically accepted as a talk, workshop, panel or poster for the RTSRE Conference, then the topic is acceptable to be submitted to the proceedings. We expect submitted articles to be written following high quality academic guidelines common to our field. RTSRE Proceedings articles are not simple outlines of conference participation or short descriptive articles but rather scholarly articles in their own right.

As a guide to what may published in these proceedings are:

  • Project Descriptions and Reports
  • Research into Student Research and/or Education
  • Results of Student Research not representing a "new" contribution. For research that represents a "new" contribution to scientific knowledge, please consider https://rtsre.org/index.php/atom
  • Literature Reviews
  • Position Papers
  • Historical papers
  • Case Study explorations, pilot studies or reports on trialled innovations or projects.
  • New ideas yet to be trialled or calls to action on various endeavours.
  • Reports on new approaches trialled - what works and what did not.
  • Instructional Methods, Techniques and Philsophies
  • Guidelines to effective RT/SR/E project implementation
  • Any article that is a meaningful contribution to the community of RTSRE practitioners and researchers.

The themes covered by the RTSRE Proceedings are generally:

  • (RT) Robotic Telescopes
  • (RT) Remote Telescopes
  • (RT) Radio Telescopes
  • (RT) Real Technologies (e.g. Big Data, Data Mining, Python/Coding, etc.)
  • (SR) Articles *about* Student Research
  • (E) Education uses of RT or SR or Astronomy/STEM Education in general
  • Combinations of any of the above.
  • Broader issues that impact on any or all of the above.

Each article is blind-peer-reviewed by two referees. Revisions made by the authors in response to the review must be acceptable to the editor responsible and the editorial board before publication.

We come from multiple communities (Science, Technical, Education, Social Sciences, Practitioners, etc.) with a variety of publication approaches, so to be fair, we accept articles in multiple formats (Word, LaTeX, pdf, handwritten) with multiple referencing systems. As long as the article is self-consistent with regards to referencing and formatting, typically following a typical major style guide for any academic field, it is acceptable. Articles will all be centrally re-formatted into a standard LaTex template with standard referencing (APA-style) post-acceptance. This does mean that all that effort putting punctuation marks at the correct locations in references with the correct italics at the correct places is wasting your time. If the referee can clearly find your consistently referenced article with ease in the text, in the reference list and then online then that is close enough. We will automatically convert all references to APA style, so be clear with your references but don't get lost in the minutae.

The primary mode of distribution for articles in the Robotic Telescopes, Student Research and Education Proceedings is via this site. Hardcopy proceedings may be available for purchase in the future but are not the primary method of distribution. All articles in the proceedings are entirely Open Access and have been authored, reviewed, edited and copyedited without cost. Costs for maintenance of the OJS site and article production for the proceedings is paid entirely out of the RTSRE conference budget.

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